The most boring travel destination in the world?
The magic city – Cartagena

Inexplicable yet so fascinating how easily we can change the course of our lives (or at least our itinerary) when given the opportunity or when something pokes our interest, stimulates our senses, is aesthetically appealing or releases the free flow of emotions that make our pulse rise and the heart…
City of Eternal Spring – Medellin
It ain’t over till it’s over – Bogota
Isla Mujeres and Puerto Morales
And the women are out shopping… AGAIN
WiFi, WiFi, a horse for a WiFi
Every cloud has a silver lining – Havana

Yes, I am in Havana. And yes, they are really here. The cars. The best 50-year (incidental) investment the Cubans have made? Thanks to the ingenious engineering and likewise ingenious the need-is-the-mother-of-invention maintenance to keep them running these motorized horse powers tirelessly have served their masters for the past 50…